Training Registration Information

  • Register early— space is limited!
  • Registration form must be completed in its entirety AND payment (in full) must be submitted at time of registration.
  • Please print legibly or use a keyboard for completion.


  • Email will be the primary means of communication for the Registration process. This is how we will provide information such as registration confirmation, changes in schedules, payment, etc.
  • Please be sure to provide a VALID email!


  • Fees for Trainings are indicated on each Training Course Description.
  • Payments can be made via credit card,  check or money order.
  • FULL Payment is due at time of registration.
  • Most Training Fees include all of the materials necessary to meet workshop however, refer to EACH Training/Course Description for full details.  Some training may require the purchase of a training manual.


  • An email confirmation will be sent AFTER payment has been processed.
  • Individuals will be notified by email of any payment processing issues.

Note: Payments that have not been received in time to be processed prior to the start of a workshop, will delay the processing of completion certificates. Individuals may not receive a certificate in-hand. Instead certificates will be mailed after payment has been processed.  A postage fee may be applied.

Completion Certificates

Unless otherwise noted, certificates will be distributed at the close of a training/workshop. Certificates will not be mailed.  Individuals must complete the entire training to receive a Completion Certificate and/or C.E.U.’s.


  • We reserve the right to cancel a workshop due to low enrollment or inclement weather. In the event of a cancellation by ECTS, we offer a “full refund” or a “workshop credit” option.
  • Individuals will be notified via phone and/or email of a cancellation.


  • Please notify ECTS via email at least 48 hours (two days) prior to the scheduled date of the training/workshop to receive a full refund.
  • Individuals withdrawing after the 48-hour deadline–but before the start of the training–will receive a training/workshop credit.

Withdrawal and Credit Notes:

  1. Credits are good for one calendar year from the first training date in which the individual registered and cannot be transferred to other individuals. The individual’s name on the credit receipt will be the name that appears on the training/workshop certificate.
  2. When an individual qualifies for a training/workshop credit, he/she will receive a credit receipt (via email). This credit receipt must accompany a future registration form within one year of date issued.

Additional Information

  • Workshops qualify for approved training in the state of Oklahoma and may be approved for continuing education credit units with Oklahoma’s Center for Early Childhood Professional Development (CECPD), University of Oklahoma.  See for additional information regarding training.
  • Cancellation or Withdrawal: Early Childhood Training Solutions, LLC reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to low enrollment or inclement weather. If withdrawing, notify us 48 hours prior to the date of the workshop to receive a full refund. Individuals withdrawing after the 48 hour deadline will receive a workshop credit.


  • MAIL: Completed registration form to:

Early Childhood Training Solutions, LLC
10600 S. Pennsylvania Ave.
Ste. 16-543
Oklahoma City, OK  73170